API ReferenceIntegrationsKnowledge Base

Add an Allowed Payer Account

Use this API to add allowed payers account details to a virtual account. You can add one account detail in a single request.


Path Parameter🔗

va_id mandatory
string The unique identifier of the virtual account to which you want to add allowed_payers account details.

Request Parameters🔗

type mandatory

string The type of account. Possible value is bank_account.

bank_account mandatory

object Indicates the bank account details such as ifsc and account_number.

ifsc mandatory
string The IFSC associated with the bank account.
account_number mandatory
string The bank account number. Handy Tips:
The SBI account number contains zeros preceding actual numbers. You should enter the complete account number, including these zeros, or else the transaction will fail, and the amount will be refunded automatically.
For example, if the account number is 00000022234631312, add the complete account number and not just 22234631312.

Refer to the Errors page for information about all the possible errors that may occur while adding allowed payer account details.
