API ReferenceIntegrationsKnowledge Base

Refund Payments made to a Virtual Account

You can process refunds for a payment made towards a virtual account. The following endpoint refunds a payment using the payment ID.


Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string The unique identifier of the payment to be refunded.

Request Parameters🔗

amount optional
string Amount to be refunded. If no value is passed, a full refund is issued.
notes optional
json object Array of notes fields. You can enter custom data in key-value pairs. Refer the Notes section of the API Reference documentation to learn more.

Response Parameters🔗

string The unique identifier of the refund.
integer The amount that is refunded to the customer.
string The currency in which the payment is made. We support international currencies.
string The unique identifier of the payment.
json object Array of notes fields. You can enter custom data in key-value pairs.
integer UNIX Timestamp that indicates when the refund was processed.

Refer Refunds API to perform other refund-related operations:

  • Fetch a particular refund or a list of refunds for a payment ID.
  • Update a refund to modify the Notes field.