
Initiate normal and instant refunds to your customers using Razorpay's Refund APIs. View and update refund using APIs.

You can make full or partial refunds to customers. While issuing refunds, you can choose to process:

Know more about Refunds.

Refunds Can be Made Only on Captured Payments
You can initiate refunds only on those payments that are in captured state. A payment in authorized state is auto-refunded if not captured within 5 days of creation.

You can try out our APIs on the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace.

Run in Postman

Refund Entity🔗

The Refund entity has the following fields:

string The unique identifier of the refund.
string Indicates the type of entity. Here, it is refund.
integer The amount to be refunded (in the smallest unit of currency).
For example, refund in INR, a value of 100 means 100 paise (equivalent to ₹1).
string The currency of payment amount for which the refund is initiated. Check the list of supported currencies.
string The unique identifier of the payment for which a refund is initiated.
string Speed at which the refund is to be processed. Possible values:
  • normal: Indicates that the refund will be processed via the normal speed. The refund will take 5-7 working days.
  • optimum: Indicates that the refund will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic.
    • If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will do so, irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment.
    • If an instant refund is not possible, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed. For example, in case of payments made using debit cards, netbanking or unsupported credit cards.
integer UNIX timestamp at which the refund was created.
string This parameter is populated if the refund was created as part of a batch upload. For example, batch_00000000000001
json object Key-value store for storing your reference data. A maximum of 15 key-value pairs can be included.
string A unique identifier provided by you for your internal reference.
array A dynamic array consisting of a unique reference number (either RRN, ARN or UTR) that is provided by the banking partner when a refund is processed. This reference number can be used by the customer to track the status of the refund with the bank.
string Indicates the state of the refund. Possible values:
  • pending: This state indicates that Razorpay is attempting to process the refund.
  • processed: This is the final state of the refund.
  • failed: A refund can attain the failed state in the following scenarios:
    • Normal refund not possible for a payment which is more than 6 months old.
    • Instant Refund can sometimes fail because of customer's account or bank-related issues.
string The processing mode of the refund seen in the refund response.
This attribute is seen in the refund response only if the speed parameter is set in the refund request.
Possible values:
  • normal: Indicates that the refund will be processed via the normal speed. The refund will take 5-7 working days.
  • optimum: Indicates that the refund will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic.
    • If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will do so, irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment.
    • If an instant refund is not possible, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed.
string This is a parameter in the response which describes the mode used to process a refund.
This attribute is seen in the refund response only if the speed parameter is set in the refund request. Possible values:
  • instant: Indicates that the refund has been processed instantly via fund transfer.
  • normal: Indicates that the refund has been processed by the payment processing partner. The refund will take 5-7 working days.

You can create and manage refunds using APIs or from the Razorpay Dashboard.

Create a Normal Refund🔗

The following endpoint creates a normal refund for a payment.


Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string The unique identifier of the payment which needs to be refunded.

Request Parameters🔗

amount optional
integer The amount to be refunded. Amount should be in the smallest unit of the currency in which the payment was made.
  • For a partial refund, enter a value lesser than the payment amount. For example, if the payment amount is ₹1500 and you want to refund only ₹500, you must pass 50000.
  • For full refund, enter the entire payment amount. If the amount parameter is not passed, the entire payment amount will be refunded.
speed optional
string The speed at which the refund is to be processed. The default value is normal. Refund will be processed via the normal speed, and the customer will receive the refund within 5-7 working days.
notes optional
json object Key-value pairs used to store additional information. A maximum of 15 key-value pairs can be included.
receipt optional
string A unique identifier provided by you for your internal reference.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

Create an Instant Refund🔗

If you want to process refunds instantaneously to your customers, you can do so by passing the speed with value as optimum in the request body.


Refunds will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic. If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will do so irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment. If an Instant Refund is not possible, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed.

Know more about Instant Refunds.

Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string The unique identifier of the payment which needs to be refunded.

Request Parameters🔗

amount optional
integer The amount to be refunded. Amount should be in the smallest unit of the currency in which the payment was made. Required in case of partial refund.
  • For a partial refund, enter a value lesser than the payment amount. For example, if the payment amount is ₹1200 and you want to refund only ₹200, you must pass 20000.
  • For full refund, enter the entire payment amount. If amount parameter is not passed, the entire payment amount will be refunded.
speed mandatory
string Here, it must be optimum. Indicates that the refund will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic.
  • If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will do so, irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment.
  • If an instant refund is not possible, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed.
receipt optional
string A unique identifier provided by you for your internal reference.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.


In this example, the request body is same while the responses differ. The possible combinations of speed in the request and response are listed below.

speed attribute in Request

speed_processed attribute in Response




Refund processed via normal speed.



A faster speed was not available, so processed via normal speed.



A faster speed was available and the refund was processed immediately.

Handy Tips
Once the Refund moves to the processed state, the refund response displays the speed_processed parameter, the final state of the refund.

Fetch Multiple Refunds for a Payment🔗

The following endpoint retrieves multiple refunds for a payment. By default, only the last 10 refunds are returned. You can use count and skip parameters to change that behavior.


Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string Unique identifier of the payment for which refund has been requested.

Query Parameters🔗

from optional
integer UNIX timestamp at which the refunds were created.
to optional
integer UNIX timestamp till which the refunds were created.
count optional
integer The number of refunds to fetch for the payment.
skip optional
integer The number of refunds to be skipped for the payment.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

Fetch a Specific Refund for a Payment🔗

The following endpoint retrieves details of a specific refund made for a payment.


Path Parameters🔗

payment_id mandatory
string Unique identifier of the payment for which the refund has been made.
refund_id mandatory
string Unique identifier of the refund to be retrieved.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

Fetch All Refunds🔗

The following endpoint retrieves details of all refunds. However, by default, only the last 10 refunds are returned. You can use count and skip query parameters to change that behavior.


Query Parameters🔗

from optional
integer UNIX timestamp at which the refunds were created.
to optional
integer UNIX timestamp till which the refunds were created.
count optional
integer The number of refunds to fetch. You can fetch a maximum of 100 refunds.
skip optional
integer The number of refunds to be skipped.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

Fetch Refund by ID🔗

The following endpoint retrieves the refund using the ID.


Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string Unique identifier of the refund which is to be retrieved.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.

Update Refund🔗

You can modify an existing refund to update the notes field only.

  • Notes can be used to record additional information about the payment.
  • You can add up to 15 key-value pairs with each value of the key not exceeding 256 characters.

Using the PATCH operation, you can replace the entire notes object for the entity.

The following endpoint updates the notes parameter for a refund.


Path Parameter🔗

id mandatory
string Unique identifier of the refund for which the Notes field should be updated.

Request Parameter🔗

notes mandatory
json object Additional information to be modified or added as part of Notes field in key-pair format. Know more about notes.

Response Parameters🔗

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the Refunds Entity parameters table.


Set up Razorpay Webhooks to configure and receive notifications when a specific event occurs. When one of these events is triggered, we send an HTTP POST payload in JSON to the webhook's configured URL.
