Integrate With Quick Checkout

Integrate with Razorpay Payment Gateway and start accepting payments.

Quick integration is the fastest way to integrate Razorpay Checkout on your website and accept domestic and international payments from customers.

Quick Integration vs Standard Integration🔗

Handy Tips
The Quick Integration (previously known as Automatic checkout method) is simple and fast. However, in case you would like more control over your integration, we recommend the Standard Integration.

Given below is a comparison between the Standard and Quick integrations:


Quick Integration

Standard Integration

Pay Button

The pay button is auto-created. It cannot be customised. For example, you cannot change its font or background colour.

You can create and customise the pay button as per your business requirements.

Checkout Functions

This is an HTML-based form action method. You cannot use any JavaScript function to make any customisations.

This is a JavaScript method. You can use additional functions to automatically open and close Checkout as required.
