Recurring Payments APIs for Emandate

List of Recurring Payments APIs available for Emandate.

You can use the Recurring Payments APIs to perform various actions using Emandate as a payment method.

API-wise Integration Checklist for EmandateπŸ”—

Emandate Registration using Standard CheckoutπŸ”—

  • We recommend that you create a single customer id rather than multiple customer ids for the same customer. If the cutomer's details change, you can use the Edit Customer Details API. Duplicate validation is done based on email ID and phone number.
  • Use the fail_existing : 1 parameter so that the API returns the same details of the customer created earlier. If the fail_existing : 0 is used, the API throws an error and does not fetch the customer ID previously created. This can help in the end-user journey experience if a customer is signing up despite having signed up earlier.
  • We recommend that you to have the customer’s mode of payment mode.
  • Let customers choose the method they want to authenticate the transaction. In this way, the customer gets to select the auth type in checkout and link.
  • Let customers choose the bank account and fill in those details that they wish to make the recurring payment. This can reduce the load of having the details, and we can handle the errors accordingly.
  • Use the Payments Downtime API to check for any ongoing downtimes that might affect the Mandate registration.
  • Ensure you pass all the token parameters while Creating an Order for the authorization transaction using the Standard Checkout method.
  • Ensure you pass the value of the recurring parameter as 1 in the Create an Authorization Payment API. If not passed, it would be considered a one-time payment. Once the authorization payment is made, we request you verify the payment signature at your backend.
  • You cannot edit the details of the token once you register the mandate.
  • Enable webhooks to check the status of the token and payments, and use this only if your business is using it in a non-critical way. In critical scenarios, we recommend that you fetch APIs.
  • Once the payment is made, we send a payment ID, order ID, and signature in the response. After the signature verification is done, you can fetch the token using the Fetch Token by Payment ID API.
  • The token will be confirmed for HDFC and SBI in T+1 days. Refer to the FAQ section for more information.
  • For all the payments, handle the error description on the server-side.
  • Share access to your team members based on the roles you would like to assign them if you create a registration link via the dashboard.
  • Ensure to pass the below parameters while creating a registration link using the API:
    1. Customer details such as name, email, and contact.
    2. currency as INR.
    3. sms_notify and email_notify as 1 to send notifications to customers.
    4. amount as 0 and type as link.
    5. description of the link.
    6. subscription_registration details such as method.
  • You can use the Fetch a Payment API to know the status of the payment.

Create Subsequent PaymentsπŸ”—

  • Ensure the amount does not exceed the max amount set while Creating an order.
  • Ensure the token id is in the confirmed state before initiating the recurring payment.
  • Ensure the token_id passed is for the linked customer_id while creating a recurring payment.
  • To ensure same-day debit authorization, Razorpay must receive the request by 8:59 a.m. on a bank working day.
  • In the case of Emandate, the process varies from bank to bank. If the Emandate is registered using a Netbanking login, it can take up to 2 working days for payment authorization.



TAT Guidelines






Same day



T+1 working days


State Bank of India

T+1 working days


All Banks under NPCI ENACH

Same day

  • Use webhook to get real-time updates of payment.
  • After the debit request is created, payment will be in the created state. You can use the Fetch a Payment API to know the status of the payment.

List of Recurring Payments APIsπŸ”—

The table below lists the various Recurring Payments APIs available for Emandate and gives a brief description of each API:



Create Authorization Transaction using Checkout

API to create an authorization transaction using Razorpay Checkout.

Create Authorization Transaction using Registration Link

API to create an authorization transaction using Registration Link.

Fetch Tokens using Payment ID

API to fetch tokens using the Payment ID.

Fetch Tokens using Customer ID

API to fetch tokens using the Customer ID.

Delete Tokens

API to delete tokens.

Create Subsequent Payments

API to create subsequent payments.

Registration and Charge First Payment TogetherπŸ”—



Create Authorization Transaction

API to create an authorization transaction.

Fetch Tokens using Payment ID

API to fetch tokens using the Payment ID.

Fetch Tokens using Customer ID

API to fetch tokens using the Customer ID.

Delete Tokens

API to delete tokens.

Create Subsequent Payments

API to create subsequent payments.
