Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to the commonly asked questions about NodeJS SDK.

1. I have configured the payment method. But, I still see the following error message, payment method is not configured. How do I fix this?🔗

This error may also appear if the API key ID is not added to the checkout code. Check and add the API key ID.

2. I got an error saying id is not valid. Which id do I look for?🔗

If the order id is not replaced in the checkout code, the id is not valid error appears. Replace the order id.

Sample Checkout Code🔗

Copy<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button> <script src=""></script> <script> var options = { "key": "YOUR_KEY_ID", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard "amount": "50000", // Amount is in currency subunits. Default currency is INR. Hence, 50000 refers to 50000 paise "currency": "INR", "name": "Acme Corp", "description": "Test Transaction", "image": "", "order_id": "order_IluGWxBm9U8zJ8", //This is a sample Order ID. Pass the `id` obtained in the response of Step 1 "handler": function (response){ alert(response.razorpay_payment_id); alert(response.razorpay_order_id); alert(response.razorpay_signature) }, "prefill": { "name": "Gaurav Kumar", "email": "", "contact": "9999999999" }, "notes": { "address": "Razorpay Corporate Office" }, "theme": { "color": "#3399cc" } }; var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options); rzp1.on('payment.failed', function (response){ alert(response.error.code); alert(response.error.description); alert(response.error.source); alert(response.error.step); alert(response.error.reason); alert(response.error.metadata.order_id); alert(response.error.metadata.payment_id); }); document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){; e.preventDefault(); } </script>
Copy<button id="rzp-button1">Pay</button> <script src=""></script> <script> var options = { "key": "YOUR_KEY_ID", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard "amount": "50000", // Amount is in currency subunits. Default currency is INR. Hence, 50000 refers to 50000 paise "currency": "INR", "name": "Acme Corp", "description": "Test Transaction", "image": "", "order_id": "order_IluGWxBm9U8zJ8", //This is a sample Order ID. Pass the `id` obtained in the response of Step 1 "callback_url": "", "prefill": { "name": "Gaurav Kumar", "email": "", "contact": "9999999999" }, "notes": { "address": "Razorpay Corporate Office" }, "theme": { "color": "#3399cc" } }; var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options); document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){; e.preventDefault(); } </script>