Account opening form - customer information form (CIF) for the entity.
Individual CIF form and investment services account (ISA) KYC documents for:
Authorized signatories / directors operating the account.
The natural person / individual who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person, exercises control through ownership.
The natural person / individual who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person ultimately has ownership of / entitlement to more than 25% of the shares or capital or profits of the company.
Corporate Netbanking Application Form.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) declaration in the name of the entity.
Latest list of directors / List of directors downloaded from The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) site dated and signed by the company secretary or managing director or at least 2 directors. If the board resolution of the company gives authority to any director(s), to sign singly on any documents being submitted to the bank, then the said director(s) can sign the latest list of directors.
Beneficiary Owner(BO) declaration → 25% of shares given by the company.
If no one satisfies the criteria, the entity has to assign one person as the BO.
Declaration to be signed by senior management of the company such as the CEO / CFO / Director / company secretary instead of identifying intermediary layers of beneficial ownership.
Covering Letter (Attach to INR 600 duty stamp paper challan).
ICV - A cheque of minimum amount ₹20,000 in the entity's name. This amount will be added to your account once it is opened.