Postman Collection

Download the Postman collection for Razorpay Recurring Payments.

We have a Postman collection to make the integration quicker and easier. Click the Download Postman Collection button below to get started.

Instructions to Use Postman Collection🔗

  • All Razorpay APIs are authenticated using Basic Authentication.

    • Generate API Keys from the Dashboard.
    • Add your API Keys in Postman. Select the required API → Auth → Type = Basic Auth → Username = [Your_Key_ID]; Password = [Your_Key_secret]
  • Some APIs in the collection require data specific to your account such as order_id, cust_id and token_id either in the request body or as a path parameter.

    • For example, the create order API requires you to add the cust_id (Customer ID) in the request body.
    • These parameters are enclosed in {} in the collection. For example, {cust_id}.
    • The API throws an error if these are incorrect or do not exist in your system.