Instant Settlement

Check Razorpay Capital Instant Settlement APIs ( On-demand Settlement APIs).

This section has information on APIs used as part of Razorpay Capital.

Instant Settlement APIs🔗

With Instant Settlements (earlier known as On-demand Settlement APIs), you get access to your funds as and when you want. Normally, you would receive settlements according to your settlement cycle. Razorpay Instant Settlements helps you reduce your settlement period from T+2 days (default settlement cycle) to a few minutes (from the time of the transaction), thus enabling your business to avoid cash-flow challenges and prepare better for working capital requirements.

Benefits of Instant Settlements

  • Easy and early access to your money.
  • Reduction in daily cash crunch and increased cash flows.
  • Better management of inventory and stock.
  • Payments to creditors and vendors without any delays.

Feature Request
This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our Support team to get this feature activated on your Razorpay account.

You can try out our APIs on the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace.

Run in Postman

Create an Instant Settlement🔗

Use the below endpoint to create an Instant Settlement:


Request Parameters🔗

amount mandatory
integer The amount, in paise, you want settled to your account.
settle_full_balance optional
boolean Possible values:
  • true - Razorpay will settle the maximum amount possible. Values passed in the amount parameter will be ignored.
  • false (default) - Razorpay will settle the amount requested in the amount parameter.
description optional
string Maximum length 30 characters. Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and space. This is a custom note you can pass for the instant settlement for your reference. For example, Need this to make vendor payments.
notes optional
object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.

Response Parameters🔗


string Unique identifier for the instant settlement. For example, setlod_FNj7g2YS5J67Rz.


string Here it is settlement.ondemand.


integer The settlement amount, in paise, requested by you. For example, 200000.


integer Total amount (minus fees and tax), in paise, settled to the bank account. For example, 199410.


integer Portion of the requested amount, in paise, yet to be settled to you.


integer Portion of the requested amount, in paise, that was not settled to you. This amount is reversed to your PG current balance.


integer Total amount (fees+tax), in paise, deducted for the instant settlement. For example, 590.


integer Total tax, in paise, charged for the fee component. For example, 90.


string The 3-letter ISO currency code for the settlement. Here it is INR.


boolean Possible values:

  • true - Razorpay will settle the maximum amount possible. Values passed in the amount parameter will be ignored.
  • false (default) - Razorpay will settle the amount requested in the amount parameter.

string Status of the instant settlement. Possible values:

  • created - The instant settlement request has been created.
  • initiated - The instant settlement process has been initiated.
  • partially_processed - The instant settlement is being processed.
  • processed - The instant settlement has been processed and the amount has been transferred to your bank account.
  • reversed - The instant settlement could not be processed for some reason and the amount has been transferred back to your PG balance.

string This is a custom note you can pass for the instant settlement for your reference. For example, Need this to make vendor payments.


object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the instant settlement was created. For example, 1596771429.


object List of payouts created for the instant settlement.


string Here it is collection.


integer The number of items in the array. For example, 1.


array List of payouts created for the instant settlement.

string Unique identifier for the payout. For example, setlodp_FNj7g2cbvw8ueO.
string Here it is settlement.ondemand_payout.
integer The Unix timestamp at which the payout was initiated. For example, 1596771430.
integer The Unix timestamp at which the payout was processed. For example, 1596778752.
integer The Unix timestamp at which the payout was reversed. For example, 1596778752.
integer The amount, in paise, settled through this payout. For example, 200000.
integer Amount (minus fees and tax), in paise, settled through this payout. For example, 199410.
integer Amount (fees+tax), in paise, deducted for this payout. For example, 590.
integer Tax charged, in paise, for the fee component. For example, 90.
string The unique transaction number linked to a payout.
string Status of the payout. Possible values:
  • created - The payout has been created.
  • initiated - The payout is initiated.
  • processed - The payout has been processed. The amount has been transferred to your bank account.
  • reversed - The payout has been reversed. The amount has been transferred back to your PG balance.
integer The Unix timestamp at which the payout was created.

Fetch All Instant Settlements🔗

Use the below endpoint to fetch details of all Instant Settlements. Use the expand[]=ondemand_payouts query parameter to fetch payout details as part of the response.


Query Parameters🔗

expand[]=ondemand_payouts optional
string Pass this if you want to fetch payout details as part of the response.
from optional
integer Unix timestamp (in seconds) from when instant settlements are to be fetched.
to optional
integer Unix timestamp (in seconds) till when instant settlements are to be fetched.
count optional
integer Number of instant settlement records to be fetched. Default value is 10. Maximum value is 100. This can be used for pagination, in combination with skip.
skip optional
integer Number of instant settlement records to be skipped. Default value is 0. This can be used for pagination, in combination with count.

Fetch Instant Settlements by ID🔗

Use the below endpoint to fetch details of a particular Instant Settlement. Use the expand[]=ondemand_payouts query parameter to fetch payout details as part of the response.


Path Parameter🔗

string Unique identifier for the instant settlement. For example, setlod_FNj7g2YS5J67Rz.

Query Parameters🔗

expand[]=ondemand_payouts optional
string Pass this if you want to fetch payout details as part of the response.