Perform KYC

Know how to perform KYC for your sub-merchants from the Partner Dashboard.

Reseller Partners can perform KYC for sub-merchants by following the steps given below:

  1. In the Affilaite Accounts section of your Partner Dashboard, click on Request for KYC under the Actions column for the sub-merchant you want to perform KYC.

    Watch Out
    You can only raise 3 requests per sub-merchant for completing the KYC on their behalf. If the sub-merchant declines all the 3 requests, you cannot send any more requests.

  2. Once you click on Request for KYC, a side panel opens. Click Request for KYC access to raise a request. You can also find link to documentation for documents required for KYC in the side panel.

  3. The sub-merchant receives an email to approve or reject the KYC request.

    Check KYC Access Request Status🔗

    You can view the status of request on the Partner Dashboard under the Actions tab. Refer to the table below for all statuses and their description.



    Request Merchant for KYC access

    Approval required to view Merchant KYC

    Request approved by Merchant

    Merchant has approved the KYC access request

    Request expired

    New KYC access request needs to be initiated by Partner

    Waiting for Merchant approval

    Merchant approval for KYC access is pending

    Request rejected by Merchant once

    Merchant has rejected your KYC access request

    Request rejected by Merchant twice

    Merchant has rejected your KYC access request 2 times. You can request for access only one more time, if the merchant still doesn't approve, you wont be able to send the request again.

    Request rejected by Merchant thrice

    Merchant has rejected your KYC access request multiple times. Now, only the merchant can perform their KYC through their merchant dashboard.

  4. If the sub-merchant approves the request, you can fill in the KYC details from the Partner Dashboard by clicking on Perform KYC.

You can view the activation statuses on the Partner Dashboard as shown here:
