Mozilla Firefox users may not be able to open the bank page while making a netbanking payment on your checkout. This issue may be due to a browser setting that blocks the webpage from opening a pop-up page.
Your customers can follow these steps to unblock the pop-up page:
The transaction timeout is applicable only when your customer attempts the payment. The timeout is 3 to 15 minutes for an attempted payment. The customer is redirected to the checkout if a payment fails due to timeout.
Yes, it is possible to easily switch from one integration method to another. If you were earlier using Standard Integration, you can switch to the Quick Integration.
This is possible as the Standard Integration searches for the data-key field inside the <script> tag, which when found switches to automatic mode. It also creates a button alongside the <script> tag and attaches its 'onclick event handler' (created internally) to the .open method of the Razorpay object.
Yes, you can track the status of the checkout modal. You can do this by passing a modal object with ondismiss: function(){} as options. The ondismiss function is called when the modal is closed by the user.
Copyvar options = {
"key": "<YOUR_KEY_ID>", // Enter the Key ID generated from the Dashboard"amount": "29935",
"name": "Acme Corp",
"description": "A Wild Sheep Chase is the third novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami",
"image": "",
"handler": function (response){
* You can track the modal lifecycle by * adding the below code in your options
*/"modal": {
"ondismiss": function(){
console.log('Checkout form closed');
var rzp1 = newRazorpay(options);
You can utilize the handler function called on every successful transaction for tracking payment completion.
You can use Callback URL and webhook to get the status of the transaction for a payment source.
Callback URL
Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations that subscribe to certain events on Razorpay APIs. When one of those events is triggered, we send an HTTP POST payload in JSON to the webhook's configured URL. Know more about webhooks.
A callback URL is an address that a server provides, and any computer in the Internet/private network can POST data to it. For Razorpay integrations, callback URL is the address at which Razorpay should send the transaction response. You can pass the URL in the https://<domain_name_callback_url> format in the callback_url request parameter. Know more about callback URL.
When to use
Use webhooks to receive real-time notifications when specific events occur. For example, receive notifications upon payment failure.
Use callback URL to redirect your customers to a particular page. For example: • You can send customers to a payment success page after successful payment. This page will receive payment details such as the payment id. • The Razorpay Checkout pop-up page does not appear in certain browsers, for example, on Facebook and Instagram browsers. In such cases, you can use the callback URL to redirect customers from your Facebook/Instagram page to another page where the Razorpay Checkout appears. Customers can complete the payments on this redirected page.
Payment methods like UPI collect, Cards and Powerwallet(Freecharge) will appear on Instagram/Facebook browsers. Any other payment method which opens on a pop-up page is not supported in these browsers.