Know how to download the Paper Nach Form and upload a customer-signed copy.
If the method for the authorisation transaction is Paper NACH, a pre-filled NACH form is generated when you create an order or a registration link. This form needs to be downloaded, signed by the customer and uploaded for processing.
The pre-filled form can be downloaded in the .pdf format. You can upload the signed NACH form only as an image. Following are the supported formats:
.JPG,.JPEG, and .PNG.
There are two ways to complete authorisation using Paper NACH:
You download Paper NACH form and upload a customer-signed copy.
The customer downloads Paper NACH form and uploads the signed copy.
Request your customer to download, sign and upload the signed form either on your Checkout (when integrating with Razorpay Standard Checkout) or on the hosted page (when using Registration Links).
Watch this video to see how your customer can download the NACH form, sign it and upload the form.