- Create a Razorpay account.
- Log into the Razorpay Dashboard and generate the API keys in test mode.
Install the Python server-side SDK to interact with Razorpay APIs.
You can install the Razorpay Python SDK and integrate it with your Python-based website to accept payments, initiate refunds and do much more.
Supported Python versions: 2.7, 2.7.6, 3.3 and above.
Follow these steps to install the Razorpay Python SDK:
After setting up the client, set up your app details before making requests to Razorpay. Run the following command to set up your app details:
Copyclient.set_app_details({"title" : "<YOUR_APP_TITLE>", "version" : "<YOUR_APP_VERSION>"})
The data type the app title and version is a string
For example, you can set the title to Django and version to 1.8.17.
Razorpay Python SDK is released under the MIT License.
Query: If you have any queries, raise a ticket on Razorpay Support Portal.
Feature Request: If you have a feature request, create an issue on GitHub.