Prefill Checkout Fields

Prefill payment methods, bank names and partial payment-related fields for Payment Links using Razorpay APIs.

You can customize the Checkout and prefill the following fields in a Payment Link:

  • Payment Method
    You can prefill the payment method for customers, based on their past payment preferences. For example, you can ensure when the customer opens the link, card appears selected as the payment method.
    • You can prefill the bank name (If netbanking is the prefilled payment method)
  • Partial Payment fields
    If you have enabled partial payments on the link, the following options will appear in the Checkout section. You can ensure when the customer opens the link, either of these options appear selected.
    • Pay in Full
    • Make payment in parts

Original vs Customized Checkout🔗

Given below is a comparison of Checkout with and without prefilled customer information.

Original Checkout

Customized Checkout with Prefilled Payment Method and Bank Name

Payment Method🔗

Prefill the payment method for customers based on their past payment preferences. For example, you can ensure when the customer opens the link, card appears selected as the payment method.

Request Parameters🔗

List of request parameters to be used with the Create Payment Link API to create a prefilled, custom Payment Link.

options mandatory

array Options to customize Checkout. Parent parameter under which the checkout and prefill child parameters must be passed.

checkout mandatory

array The parameter for the Checkout section.


array Prefills the payment method and related details on Checkout.

method optional
string Pre-selection of the payment method for the customer. Will only work if contact and email are also pre-filled. Possible values are:
  • card
  • netbanking
  • wallet
  • upi
bank use when method=netbanking
string Prefills the customer's bank code. The value must be entered in upper case. For example, "HDFC".
card[number] use when method=card
string Unformatted card number.
card[name] use when method=card
string The name of the cardholder.
card[expiry] use when method=card
string Expiry month and year for card in MM/YY format.
wallet use when method=wallet
string Wallet code.
vpa use when method=upi
string UPI ID for making the payment on the UPI app.

Restrict Customer from Selecting Another Payment Method🔗

When you use prefill, the customer is directly led to that specific payment method on Checkout. However, they can use the back icon on the top bar and choose another method. You can restrict the customer from selecting another payment method by hiding the top bar. This can be done by setting the hide_topbar parameter to true under the theme parent parameter, as explained in the checkout theme section.

Partial Payment Fields🔗

If you have enabled partial payments on the link, the following options will appear in the Checkout section. You can preselect one of these options when sending the link to the customer.

  • Pay in Full
  • Make payment in parts

Request Parameters🔗

List of parameters to be sent with Create Payment Link API to set partial payment/full payment as default.

options mandatory

array Options to customize Checkout. Parent parameter under which the checkout and prefill child parameters must be passed.

checkout mandatory

array The parameter for the checkout section. prefill is its child parameters. Pass the prefill parameters under this child parameter.


array Prefills the partial payment related fields.

select_partial use when accept_partial=true
boolean Enable Make payment in parts by default on Checkout. Possible values:
  • true - Make payment in parts option enabled by default.
  • false - Make payment in parts option disabled by default.
select_full use when accept_partial=true
boolean Enable Pay in full by default on Checkout. Possible values:
  • true - Pay in full option enabled by default.
  • false - Pay in full option disabled by default.