
Fetch details of the transactions linked to the business account using RazorpayX APIs.

The inflow of funds to your business account, payouts to a contact's fund account and reversals are all recorded as transactions against your business account. You can fetch details of a particular transaction or details of all transactions via the below APIs.

You can try out our APIs on the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace.

Run in Postman

Fetch all Transactions๐Ÿ”—

Use the below endpoint to fetch details of all transactions.

/transactions?account_number={account number}

Path Parameter๐Ÿ”—

string The account from which you want to make the payout.
Account details can be found on the RazorpayX Dashboard. For example, 7878780080316316.
Watch Out!
This is not your contact's bank account number.

Query Parameters๐Ÿ”—

integer Timestamp, in Unix, from when you want to fetch transactions.
integer Timestamp, in Unix, till when you want to fetch transactions.
integer Number of payouts to be fetched. Default value is 10. Maximum value is 100. This can be used for pagination, in combination with skip.
integer Numbers of payouts to be skipped. Default value is 0. This can be used for pagination, in combination with count.

Response Parameters๐Ÿ”—


string The unique identifier linked to the transaction. For example, txn_00000000000001.


string The entity being created. Here, it will be transaction.


string This is the business account from which the payout was made. For example, 7878780080316316.


integer The amount transferred, in paise. The transfer can either be a credit (when you add funds to your account) or a debit (when you make a payout).

Handy Tips
The value passed here does not include fees and tax. Fees and tax, if any, are deducted from your account balance.


string The transaction currency. Here, it is INR.


integer The amount, in paise, credited to your account. Will be 0 for debit transactions (when making payouts).


integer The amount, in paise, debited to your account. Will be 0 for credit transactions (when adding funds to your account).


integer The remaining amount, in paise, in your account after the debit or credit transaction.


Details of the payout made or details of the bank account from which money is being added to your business account.

string The payout ID when making payouts or the bank transfer ID when adding fund to your account.
string The entity for which the transaction was created. Possible values:
  • payout
  • bank_transfer
integer The amount transferred, in paise.
fund_account_idsource entity=payout
string The unique identifier linked to the fund account. For example, fa_00000000000001.
notessource entity=payout
object User-entered notes for internal reference. This is a key-value pair. You can enter a maximum of 15 key-value pairs. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scottyโ€.
payer_namesource entity=bank_transfer
string Name linked to the account making the transfer. For example, Saurav Kumar.
string The account number from which money is transferred to your business bank account. For example, 6543266545411243.
payer_ifscsource entity=bank_transfer
string The branch IFSC from where the transfer is being made. For example, UTIB0000002.
modesource entity=bank_transfer
string The mode used to transfer money to your business bank account. For example, NEFT.
bank_referencesource entity=bank_transfer
string Reference from the bank from which money was transferred to your business bank account. For example, AXIR000000000001.
feessource entity=payout

integer The fees, in paise, for the transaction. This field is populated only when the transaction moves to the processing state. For example, 5.

taxsource entity=payout

integer The tax, in paise, for the fee being charged. This field is populated only when the transaction moves to the processing state. For example, 1.

statussource entity=payout

string The status of the transaction. A transaction can be in any of the following states:

  • pending
  • queued
  • processing
  • processed
  • reversed
  • cancelled
  • rejected
utrsource entity=payout

string The unique transaction number for the transaction. For example, HDFCN00000000001.

modesource entity=payout

string The payout mode. Refer to the Supported Banks and Payout Modes section for more details.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, when the source entity or transaction entity was created. For example, 1545320320.

Fetch Transaction by ID๐Ÿ”—

Use the below endpoint to fetch details of the required transaction.


Path Parameters๐Ÿ”—

string The unique identifier linked to the transaction. For example, txn_00000000000002.