Checkout Rewards

Display Checkout Rewards to customers while making payment.

You can now display rewards or promotional offers of other businesses at your Checkout. The reward details are shared with the customers through SMS and email once they complete payment at your Checkout.

 rewards on checkout

How Does It Work🔗

Let us understand Checkout Rewards with the help of an example. WatchFlicks provides online content streaming services. They want to show offers from Acme Foods, a business that offers online food delivery services at their Checkout.

  1. WatchFlicks selects an offer by Acme Foods (for example, 5% off on minimum order value of ₹200) to be displayed at their Checkout.
  2. WatchFlicks' Checkout displays this offer as rewards. The reward will be available for all the customers upon completion of payment on WatchFlicks.
  3. Once the customer completes payment, Razorpay sends the reward coupon code and other details through SMS and email.
  4. The customer can redeem the reward by using the coupon code on Acme Foods' website.

Customer does not have to explicitly select the reward.


  • Give your customers exciting rewards from leading brands.
  • Increase payment conversions and repeat purchases.
  • Boost sales at no extra cost.