Create Subscriptions
Create Razorpay Subscriptions plan for your customers. Check the Trial Period and Upfront Amount.
Follow the below steps to create Subscriptions for your customers:
A Plan is a foundation on which a Subscription is built. It acts as a reusable template and contains details of the goods or services offered with the amount to be charged and the frequency at which the customer should be charged (billing cycle). Depending upon your business, you can create multiple Plans with different billing cycles and pricing.
You should create a Plan before creating a Subscription via your checkout or using the Subscription Links.
International Currencies
You can create a plan using any of our supported currencies.
You can create Plans from the Dashboard or using APIs.
A Subscription contains details like the Plan, the start date, total number of billing cycles, free trial period (if any) and upfront amount to be collected.
Subscriptions can be created from the Dashboard
or using APIs.
You can create a fully-customized trial period of Subscriptions that does not have to follow the typical 1-week or 1-month trial template.
To create a trial period for your customers, provide a future start date when creating the Subscription. The actual billing cycle automatically starts at the specified date, creating a free trial period.
- Acme Corp. provides video streaming services and wants to offer a 1-month free trial.
- The customer selects the Plan on March 5th, 2019 and completes the authentication transaction.
- During the authentication transaction, Acme Corp. creates a Subscription with start date of April 5th, 2019.
- Now, although the authentication transaction was done on March 5th, 2019, the customerβs card will be charged only from April 5th, 2019.
- The customer or merchant can decide to cancel the Subscription at any time before that. The time between March 5th, 2019 and April 5th, 2019 is treated as the trial period.
Handy Tips
- When creating a Subscription link from the Dashboard, you can add a trial period by setting the start date to any future date.
- When creating a Subscription or a Subscription link using APIs, you can add a trial period by passing a future start date for the
parameter in the request.
There might be scenarios where you want to charge the customers an extra amount either at the start of the Subscription or even before the Subscription starts. For example, you might want to charge the customer a delivery fee or a setup fee. You can add this to the Subscription as an upfront amount as part of the authentication transaction.
- Acme Corp. provides furniture on rent.
- Acme Corp. charges βΉ1000 as security deposit. This needs to be collected before the furniture is delivered.
- While creating a Subscription for the customer, Acme Corp. adds an upfront amount of βΉ1000.
- When the customer subscribes to the service (during authentication transaction), βΉ1000 is collected from the customer.
Handy Tips
- When creating a Subscription link from the Dashboard, you can add an upfront amount by selecting the I want to add an upfront amount check box and following the instructions on screen.
- When creating a Subscription or a Subscription link using APIs, you can add an upfront amount by passing an
key in the request.