Tax Payment Life Cycle

List of states of a tax payment and their significance.

Following are the 2 life cycles in tax payments:

Tax Payment Life Cycle🔗

Following is the tax payment life cycle.

tax payment life cycle


The TDS payment is uploaded to our system. A payout may have been created, but not successfully made against the TDS payment.

Possible payout states:

  • Payout not yet created.
  • rejected
  • cancelled
  • failed
  • reversed


The TDS payment is being processed. A payout is created and is being processed.

Possible payout states:

  • pending
  • queued
  • processing

From the processing states, the payout can go back to the unpaid state if:

  • If you cancel or rejet the payout.
  • If the payout fails or is reversed.

The TDS payment was successful. Possible payout state: processed.

After the TDS is successfully paid, you can download the challan from the Dashboard and file the TDS as per your convenience.


You have manually cancelled the TDS payment from the Dashboard.

  • You can only cancel a TDS payment in the unpaid state.
  • You cannot cancel a TDS payment after a payout is initiated for it.