
Set reminders for payment links.

You can send your customers automated SMS and email reminders for Payment Links. Setting reminders helps you to:

  • Increase the number of paid Payment Links.
  • Reduce cost and manual effort required to collect payments.
  • Reduce the number of days taken by your customer to make the payment.

Types of Reminders🔗

Following are the various types of reminders you can set:

Set Reminders for All Payment Links🔗

This is an account-level setting. If enabled, all the Payment Links have the same reminder configurations.

Watch this video to see how to set reminders for all the Payment Links.

To set reminders for all Payment Links:

  1. Log into the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Reminders.
  3. Enable the Reminders for Payment Links option.
  4. Configure reminders for links with and without an expiry date. You can set a maximum of 3 reminders.
  5. Select the medium to send the reminders, SMS, email or both.

Watch Out!
Customers will receive the reminder only if their email and/or SMS details were provided while creating the Payment Link. Know more about creating Payment Links.


If you have set an expiry date for the Payment Link, you can configure only one reminder based on the expiry date. For example, if you have issued a Payment Link with an expiry date of 30 Nov, you can set a reminder below.

Expiry Date

30 Nov

Reminder 1

1 day before expiry date - 29 Nov

If you have not set any expiry date for the Payment Links, you can configure a maximum of 2 reminders to be sent after the issued date. For example, if you have issued a Payment Link on 25 Nov, you can set 2 reminders as shown below.

Issued Date

25 Nov

Reminder 1

1 day after issued date - 26 Nov.

Reminder 2

1 day after created at date.

Set Reminders for Individual Payment Links🔗

You can enable or disable reminders for individual Payment Links.

To disable reminders while creating a Payment Link:

  1. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Payment Links.
  3. Click + Create Payment Link.
  4. Enter the necessary details such as Amount and Payment For.
  5. Enable the Send auto reminders option.
  6. Click Create Payment Link to create the Payment Link.
enable or disable reminders when creating a payment link

After Payment List is Issued🔗

You can edit the payment link and enable or disable reminders after issuing the Payment Links.

To enable or disable reminders by editing a Payment Link:

  1. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Payment Links.
  3. Click the Payment Link for which you want to enable or disable reminders. The details of the Payment Link appears on the right pane.
  4. Enable or disable the Send auto reminders option.
edit reminders for an issued payment link