Plugins - Overview

Embed Razorpay Payment Buttons on websites built on platforms such as Wix, Weebly, Blogger and Google Sites.

You can embed Razorpay Payment Button on custom-built websites and those built on popular platforms such as Wix, Weebly, Blogger and Google Sites.


Watch this video to see how to embed a Payment Button on your Wix site:

To embed a Payment Button on your Wix site:

  1. Log into your Wix site and switch to Editor mode.
  2. Navigate to Add → Embed → Custom Embeds.
  3. Select HTML iframe.
  4. Click Enter Code and select Code.
  5. Paste the Button code that you copied from the Razorpay Dashboard and click Apply. The Payment Button appears. You can drag and place it wherever required.
  6. Publish the page to view the changes.


Watch this video to see how to embed a Payment Button on your Blogger site:

To embed a Payment Button on your Blogger site:

  1. Log into your Blogger site and navigate to Editor mode.
  2. Navigate to the page on which you want to place the button.
  3. Switch to HTML view.
  4. Paste the Button code that you copied from the Razorpay Dashboard and click Update.
  5. Publish the page to view the changes.


Watch this video to see how to embed a Payment Button on your Weebly site:

To embed a Payment Button on your Weebly site:

  1. Log into your Weebly site and switch to Editor mode.
  2. Navigate to the page on which you want to place the button.
  3. Navigate to Build → Individual Elements → Embed Code.
  4. Drag and drop the element and select Click to set Custom HTML box.
  5. Select the position and click Edit Custom HTML.
  6. Paste the Button code that you copied from the Razorpay Dashboard and click out of the box. This saves the code.
  7. Publish the page to view the changes.

Google Sites🔗

Watch this video to see how to embed a Payment Button on your Google site:

To embed a Payment Button on your Google site:

  1. Log into your Google Site and switch to Editor mode.
  2. Navigate to the page on which you want to place the button.
  3. Navigate to Insert → Embed → Embed Code.
  4. Paste the Button code that you copied from the Razorpay Dashboard and click Next.
  5. Click Insert.
  6. Drag and drop the element wherever required.
  7. Publish the page to view the changes.


Watch this video to see how to embed a Payment Button on your GoDaddy site:

To embed a Payment Button on your GoDaddy site:

  1. Log into your GoDaddy website and switch to Editor mode.
  2. Navigate to the page on which you want to place the button.
  3. Add a section, select HTML and click Add.
  4. Paste the Button code that you copied from the Razorpay Dashboard.
  5. Add a pixel length of 700 in Forced Height field.
  6. Click Done.
  7. Publish the page to view the changes.

WordPress and Elementor Payment Plugin🔗

If you own a WordPress site, you can use the Razorpay Payment Button Plugin for WordPress.

Handy Tips
Create a WordPress site from scratch.

Watch this short video on how to add Payment Button on Wordpress and Elementor:

To embed a Payment Button on your WordPress site:

  1. Download the WordPress Payment Plugin or Elementor Plugin from the plugin directory and add the zip file to your WordPress website's Plugins folder.
  2. In your WordPress site, activate the plugin in the WordPress Plugin Manager.
  3. Navigate to Razorpay Buttons → Settings to add your Razorpay API key details and connect your Razorpay account to the plugin.
  4. Navigate to Razorpay Buttons. A list of buttons you created on Razorpay are available here. Select the required button.
  5. Click Pages and navigate to the page where you want to embed the Payment button.
  6. Select Add Block → Widgets → Razorpay: Payment Button to embed the Payment button onto the page.
  7. Choose the Payment Button using the drop down and publish or update the page.

Drupal Plugin🔗


  • Install CKEditor (Core).
  • Make sure that you have the latest version of the Razorpay API - PHP Library.
  • Make sure your Razorpay key and Secret key are added from the Settings page.
  • Clear the check box for Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML filter in text format setting.
  • Go to Configuration → Content authoring → Text formats and editors.
    • Configure (Basic or Full HTML) → Select or clear the check box (Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML).
  • Click Save Configuration.

To embed a Payment Button on your Drupal Website:

  1. Download the plugin from the Drupal Website.
  2. Go to Extend from the Drupal admin menu.
  3. Enable Razorpay Payment Button Plugin module in the Drupal admin.
  4. Configure your What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) toolbar to include the button.
