MOTO Payments

Accept MOTO (Mail-Order-Telephone-Order) payments to charge a customer's credit card without card CVV data and 2-factor-authentication.

With Razorpay, you can use MOTO (Mail-Order-Telephone-Order) transactions to charge a customer's credit card without using the CVV or 2-factor-authentication. You can extend this flow to your customers to reduce payment failures that may occur due to low internet speeds or redirects to bank pages.

Feature Request
This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our Support team to get this feature activated on your Razorpay account.

PCI-DSS Compliance
You must be PCI-compliant to accept and process customer's card details using the MOTO option. The compliance certificate should be updated as per the yearly renewal cycle.

Step 1: Create an Order🔗

Order creation is the first step to integrate your application with Razorpay and start accepting payments. Orders API allows you to create an Order when a payment is expected from a customer.

Ensure the razorpay_order_id is stored against the corresponding transaction. The API endpoint given below will create an Order at your server-side:


Order is an important step in the payment process.

  • An order should be created for every payment.
  • You can create an order using the Orders API. It is a server-side API call.
  • The order_id received in the response should be passed to the checkout. This ties the Order with the payment and secures the request from being tampered.

API Sample Code🔗

The following is a sample API request and response for creating an order:

Copycurl -X POST -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "amount": 50000, "currency": "INR", "receipt": "rcptid_11" }'
Copytry { JSONObject orderRequest = new JSONObject(); orderRequest.put("amount", 50000); // amount in the smallest currency unit orderRequest.put("currency", "INR"); orderRequest.put("receipt", "order_rcptid_11"); Order order = razorpay.Orders.create(orderRequest); } catch (RazorpayException e) { // Handle Exception System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }
Copyimport razorpay client = razorpay.Client(auth=("api_key", "api_secret")) DATA = { "amount": 100, "currency": "INR", "receipt": "receipt#1", "notes": { "key1": "value3", "key2": "value2" } } client.order.create(data=DATA)
Copy$order = $client->order->create([ 'receipt' => 'order_rcptid_11', 'amount' => 50000, // amount in the smallest currency unit 'currency' => 'INR'// <a href="/docs/international-payments/#supported-currencies" target="_blank">See the list of supported currencies</a>.) ]);
CopyDictionary<string, object> options = new Dictionary<string,object>(); options.Add("amount", 50000); // amount in the smallest currency unit options.add("receipt", "order_rcptid_11"); options.add("currency", "INR"); Order order = client.Order.Create(options);
Copyoptions = amount: 50000, currency: 'INR', receipt: '<order_rcptid_11>' order = Razorpay::Order.create
Copyvar options = { amount: 50000, // amount in the smallest currency unit currency: "INR", receipt: "order_rcptid_11" }; instance.orders.create(options, function(err, order) { console.log(order); });
Copy{ "id": "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb", "entity": "order", "amount": 50000, "amount_paid": 0, "amount_due": 50000, "currency": "INR", "receipt": "rcptid_11", "status": "created", "attempts": 0, "notes": [], "created_at": 1566986570 }

Request Parameters🔗

Here is the list of parameters and their description for creating an order:

amount mandatory
integer The transaction amount, expressed in the currency subunit, such as paise (in case of INR). For example, for an actual amount of ₹299.35, the value of this field should be 29935.
currency mandatory
string The currency in which the transaction should be made. See the list of supported currencies. Length must be 3 characters.
receipt optional
string Your receipt id for this order should be passed here. Maximum length 40 characters.
notes optional
json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.
partial_payment optional
boolean Indicates whether the customer can make a partial payment. Possible values:
  • true: The customer can make partial payments.
  • false (default): The customer cannot make partial payments.

Know more about Orders API.

Step 2: Create a Payment🔗

Use the order_id, that is the id returned in the previous step to create a payment. The API endpoint given below creates a payment:

Copycurl -u <YOUR_KEY_ID>:<YOUR_KEY_SECRET> -X POST -H 'content-type:application/json' -d '{ "amount": 50000, "currency": "INR", "email": "", "contact": 9123456789, "order_id": "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb", "method": "card", "card":{ "number": "5104060000000008", "name": "Gaurav Kumar", "expiry_month": "01", "expiry_year": "22" }, "auth_type": "skip" }'
Copy{ "razorpay_payment_id" : "pay_2xxQoUBi66xm2f", "razorpay_order_id" : "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb", "razorpay_signature" : "9ef4dffbfd84f1318f6739a3ce19f9d85851857ae648f114332d8401e0949a3d" }

Step 3: Post Processing🔗

If the payment is successful, you can query the razorpay_order_id in your database and mark the corresponding transaction at your end as paid.
