UPI Intent Flow for iOS SDK

Use iOS UPI Intent SDK to accept UPI payments from your iOS device customers.

Use the iOS Standard SDK to support UPI Intent payments on your iOS apps. We support UPI Intent on iOS for these PSP apps:

  • Google Pay
  • PhonePe
  • Paytm

iOS Standard Checkout🔗

To enable UPI Intent on your iOS app's Standard Checkout:

  1. Ensure that the latest version of the iOS Standard SDK is integrated with your app.
  2. Your iOS app must seek permission from the device to open the UPI PSP app that the customer selects on Checkout. For this, you must make the following changes in your iOS app's info.plist file.
Copy<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key> <array> <string>tez</string> <string>phonepe</string> <string>paytmmp</string> </array>

Your iOS app now supports UPI Intent payments.
